Saturday, June 12, 2010


So, this has nothing to do with anything, but I always get a kick out of the signage in foreign countries, especially Great Britain and Ireland. Case in point, the following sign, posted on a blind curve. You should know that through this whole curve, there were railings between the sidewalk and the street, so you couldn't cross the street unless you were young and spry and willing to vault over the fence into said street.

I'm not really sure what this is meant to convey. This curve is blind, like these people? Watch out for really old blind people crossing this street? This curve is blind, in that only blind people may cross here? This is what blind people look like, watch out?

Also, while I'm on the subject of digressing, the B&B I stayed at had the smallest (full) bathroom I have ever seen in my life. This includes boat bathrooms, and we all know how small those can be. Take a look:

Now, what you see is what you get. You may ask, but Stephanie, it looks like the sink is in the shower, what is that all about? To which I would reply, yes dear reader, the sink is in fact in the shower, and I would caution you not to take a shower and then go to the bathroom in your socks if you intend to wash your hands. On the plus side, this efficient design makes it very easy to do things like brushing your teeth or washing your hands while taking a shower! Exciting, right? However, I would also caution you not to turn on the cold water faucet while enjoying your teeth-brushing shower, as this causes all cold water to divert to the sink instead of the shower, and have I mentioned that nearly every restaurant/B&B/etc in this country has a sign saying "Hot water is extremely hot." All I can say is, bad plan.

Finally I'd like to share this ad I saw while I was wandering around Glasgow this afternoon:

In case you can't see the smaller text, it says "Monkey not included." Personally, I'm surprised people in America didn't come up with this. Think how much lazier it would be than simply having a remote control to have a TV monkey! Imagine, instead of expending the energy it takes to lift your arm and motivate your finger over as many as 3 or 4 buttons, you simply open your mouth and say: "Monkey, channel 7 please." This can even be abbreviated to "7" if necessary. Probably the monkey could even get snacks. Those monkeys are pretty smart characters.

Anyhow, I hope you've enjoyed this digression as much as I have, and hopefully I'll check back with instructions and illustrations to go with that block very shortly. I'm aiming to have a block for every city I visit, which puts me a city behind at the moment, though with a 4 hour train ride to York (and the British quilt museum!) tomorrow, so here's hoping I can get caught up!

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